The series "The Golden Fund of the Perm region" - Anthology of the Komi-Perm folklore. vol. 1
Komi-Permyak - one of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia. Ethnic territory - Perm Kama. According to the census 2010 the total number of Komi-Perm in Russia stood at 94,456, of whom 81,094 live in the Perm region, mainly in the Komi-Permyak District. Komi-Perm language belongs to the Permian branch of the Finno-Ugric group of the Uralic language family. Most believers - Orthodox Christians. Komi-Permyak - one of the indigenous peoples Kama. Among the direct ancestors of the Komi-Perm tribes were rodanovskoy archaeological culture IX-XV centuries. In 1472 the territory of the Komi-Perm settlement became part of the Russian state. The formation of the Komi-Permian peoples ended in the eighteenth century. Komi-Perm nation consists of two main ethnic groups - the northern (or Kama-Kosinski) and southern (or invenskoy). The traditional culture of the Komi-Perm retained archaic features of the Finno-Ugric, while experiencing the effect of the neighboring Russian population.
1 Anna Petrowa Grigorievna, Yukseevo village, Kochevskogo district - Dancing rhyme on polyannais-flute. 0:39
2 Ensemble der. Most Kocha Kochevskogo district - tree. Lyrical song is 2:13
3 Ensemble of the village. Cuckoo Kochevskogo district - How are our Sasha. Dance song 1:50
4 Maria G. Rakin, p. Most Kocha Kochevskogo district - Once upon a time. Tale 4:17
5 Ensemble of the village. Most Kocha Kochevskogo district - God geese. Lyrical song is 2:15
6 Vera Melekhina, p. Kochevo Kochevskogo district - Prigovorka a dream 0:23
7 Ensemble der. Peter Kudymkar district - steep mountains. Lyrical song is 2:29
8 Ensemble der. Dekur Kudymkar district - Pike-wiki. Prigovorka a dance 0:17
9 Ensemble der. Pelym Kochevskogo district - Oh, you're my mother, mamonka. Dance song 0:51
10 The ensemble of the village. Most Kocha Kochevskogo district - Andandur. The circular (round dance) song 4:21
11 Love Kirilovna Ostanina, etc. Most of Koch Kochevskogo district - Kite. Lyrical song is 3:00
12 The ensemble of the village. Starikov Yusvinskogo district - Lenok. Playing the song 3:48
Lubava Melekhina 13, p. Kochevo Kochevskogo district - Snail. Byword 0:50
14 The ensemble of the village. Most Kocha Kochevskogo district - Brook loud sounds. Dance song 1:52
15 V. Anfalova Domna, der. Cuckoo Kochevskogo district - Cockroach. Tales 0:17
16 The ensemble of the village. Spit Kosinski district - on the field Nut-Tree. Playing the song 1:13
17 Der. Cuckoo Kochevskogo district - Sound murmur of the brook 0:13
Anna Petrova, 18, p. Yukseevo Kochevskogo district - a lot of girls. Lyrical song is 2:56
19 The ensemble of the village. Peter Kudymkar district - Bottomless cuckoo. Lyrical song (words by A. Zubov) 2:20
20 The ensemble of the village. Cuckoo Kochevskogo district - Tysyatsky. Wedding Song 0:53
21 Vera Melikhova, p. Kochevo Kochevskogo district - Makarika. Dance song. 0:22
22 The ensemble of the village. Kekur Kudymkar district - fence-tana. Dance song 1:53
23 The ensemble of the village. Cuckoo Kochevskogo district - beautiful girl. Playing the song 1:46
Anna Petrova, 24, p. Yukseevo Kochevskogo district - Legend of a spring 2:02
25 The choir of Fedorovo village, Yusvinskii district - Where is sitting our new mother-in-law. Wedding Song 1:28
26. Spit area Kosinski - Oh, My girl is a babe. Wedding Song 3:02
27 The ensemble of the village. Most Kocha Kochevskogo area - Bryste. Lyrical song is 3:04
28 Love Kirillovna Ostanina, p. Most Kocha Kocherskogo District - Child, go to sleep. Prigovorka to sleep 0:09
29 The ensemble of the village. Cuckoo Kochevskogo area - but as Sasha, Sasha. Dance song (on Cuckoo) 2:23
30 Der. Cuckoo Kochevskogo area - Sound of Rain 0:19
31 The ensemble of the village. Cuckoo Kochevskogo District - Angels are coming. Spiritual verse 2:39
32 The ensemble of the village. Cuckoo Kochevskogo area - strawberries. Lyrical song is 3:13
33 AG Petrov, p. Yukseevo Kochevskogo area - Yuksya, Puksya, Chaz, and Bach. The legend of the origin of villages 1:53
34 The ensemble of the village. Cuckoo Kochevskogo area - as we are young. Lyrical song is 1:54
35 The ensemble of 35 families Sizivyh, p. Yukseevo Kochevskogo area - dancing to the Tune pelyanah 1:08