Mehnetsov A. - Kirillovskaya garmon-hromka in traditional culture Belozerja, A.A. Mehnetsov, DVD (2008)
The publication is dedicated to the ancient fishing for harmonic generation, the geography of which is related to the famous centers of culture, like Kirillov, Ferapontovo, Nicholas Torzhok Volokoslavino, Gorica. It is here, in the vicinity of the St. Cyril-Belozersky Monastery was born a musical instrument accordion-hromka Kirillovskaya, who became for locals peaple kind of embodiment of the national idea. Structural features of this type of harmonic influence on the formation of the characteristic of performing techniques of local traditions associated primarily with the special technique of possession furs.
Through selfless activity masters for the production of tools and active creative practice folk accordionists, we can now enjoy the sound Cyrillic Khromka, while many forms of traditional music of Russian villages had gone into the distant past. The DVD introduces the game the most outstanding artists who started their way in the development of harmonic 1940s. The disk contains the most relevant local folk traditions Kirillov district and surrounding areas White Lake, Vashkinsky, Cherepovets and Vologda regions, outlining the extensive historical and ztnograficheskuyu Belozerja area.