Djunushov Brothers - Djunushov Brothers – Ergime (DOM RECORDS, 2003)
The first CD of the famous Kyrgyz folk ensemble of virtuoso brothers Djunushov`s, performers to many different traditional instruments of Kyrgyzstan.
The disc also contains several folk songs performed by Djunushov's younger brother.
Rysbek Djunushov – khomus, voice (1-4, 6, 8, 10-12, 14, 16-18)
Kamchybek Djunushov – khomuz, temir-khomuz (1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 16)
Nurlan Djunushov – chop-cogoino, cogoino, chopo-choor, zhygach-komuz, komuz, ocarina (2, 7, 9, 13, 15, 18)
Recorded November 17, 2001 in the Studio Tour
Entry by Sonja Kruglikova and Mikhail Spasskiy
Mastering – Anton Silaev
1. Inspiration
2. For beloved
3. About girl
4. Joy of the labour
5. Kyrgyz folk tune
6. Mountain nightgale
7. Lament
8. Mine folk tunes
9. Fortune taller
10. Two birds
11. All for you
12. Madcap
13. Cuckoo
14. Council
15. Thirst
16. Selebration
17. Father and Issyk-kul
18. Saroi