Ananda Bazaar - Ananda Bazaar – Songs of the Holy Vrindavana (Indian traditional music, 1998)
Traditional Indian cult music recorded during a continuous 72-hour religious ceremony at The Vrindavana temple. Vrindavana is the most highly respected place of Hindu pilgrims and the center of their religion and culture, which was described in ancient manuscripts as the Land of Gods.
Design: Igor Gurovich
Photo: Ananta Dasa, Ramadasa Dasa
The forwarding entries in the temples of India, 1995
Producer: Nikolai Dmitriev
1. 3.36 - 6.00 AM End of the night, Keshi-ghata, Murarimohana-kunja 1990
2. 6.00 - 8.24 AM Morning. Seva-kunja 1994
3. 8.24 - 10.48 AM Forenoon Radha-Ramana Temple 1992
4. 10.48 - 3.36 PM Midday, Radha-Gokulananda Temple 1993
5. 8.24 -10.48 PM Evening, Keshi-ghala, Murarimohana-kunja 1990
6. 10.48 - 3.36 AM Midnight, Radha-Damodara Temple